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Last updated: 2005-06-18
Compiled and written by Philbert Ono
What's this? List of photography-related words in English and Japanese. The Main List has 1100+ words (click on the alphabet links). Many of the words are also categorized in separate lists (General, Camera, etc.). Meanwhile, the J-E List is a separate Japanese-to-English list of essential words not included in the Main List. And Signs is a photo gallery of Japanese signs explained in English.
Note: If the Japanese term contains an English word, the English word is spelled in normal English in the romanization. This is for easier recognition and maybe easier pronunciation and understanding. If the Japanese term is identical to the Engiish, a left arrow <- is displayed (you still have to pronounce it in the Japanese katakana way). Macrons are provided to indicate long vowel sounds. Credits here.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
List | Signs | General |
Camera | Lens | Accessory | Digital | Supplies
Supply Words | |||
A4 size | See Paper sizes. | ||
APS film | <- | APSフィルム | |
archival storage | eikyū hozon | 永久保存 | |
Battery types a. Size AA b. Size AAA c. Size C d. Size D e. Alkaline battery f. Rechargeable battery g. NiCd/Nicad battery h. Lithium battery i. Ni-MH battery j. High-voltage battery pack k. Dry battery |
Denchi no shurui a. Tansan-gata denchi b. Tanyon-gata denchi c. Tan-ni-gata denchi d. Tan-ichi-gata denchi e. Arukari kandenchi f. Jūden-shiki denchi g. Nikkado/Nikado denchi h. Richiumu denchi i. Nickel suisō denchi j. Sekisō kandenchi k. Kan denchi |
電池の種類 a. 単3形電池 b. 単4形電池 c. 単2形電池 d. 単1形電池 e. アルカリ乾電池 f. 充電式電池 g. ニッカド/ニカド電池 h. リチウム電池 i. ニッケル水素電池 j. 積層乾電池 k. 乾電池 |
The "size A to D" designations are American English. It might be different in Europe and other countries. |
battery(ies) | denchi | 電池 | |
black-and-white film | shiro-kuro film, monokuro film | 黒白フィルム、モノクロ フィルム | |
bulk film | nagamaki, bulk film, bulk roll, chōjaku film, kanzume film | 長巻、バルクフィルム、バルクロール、長尺フィルム、缶詰フィルム | Kanzume film literally means "canned film" (like tuna). |
bulk film loader | bulk loader | バルクローダー | |
business card size | meishi size | 名刺サイズ | See also Paper sizes. |
color film | <- | カラーフィルム | |
color negative film | color nega film | カラーネガフィルム | |
color slide film | color reversal film, slide film, posi | カラー・リバーサル・フィルム、スライドフィルム、ポジ | |
consumables (ink, paper, etc.) | shōmō-hin | 消耗品 | |
credit card size | card size | カードサイズ | See also Paper sizes. |
developer (chemical) | genzō-eki | 現像液 | |
dye-based ink | senryō ink | 染料インク | |
emulsion | nyūzai | 乳剤 | |
expiration date (of film, food, etc.) | yūkō kigen | 有効期限 | |
expired film | kigen-kire no film | 期限切れのフィルム | |
exposed film | satsuei-sumi no film | 撮影済みのフィルム | |
exposure latitude | rokō kyoyō han-i, latitude | 露光許容範囲、ラチチュード | |
fiber-based paper | baraita-shi | バライタ印画紙 | Comes from the word "baryta." |
film | <- | フィルム | |
film cartridge | patorone | パトローネ | Comes from the German word "patrone." |
film cleaner | <- | フィルムクリーナー | |
film development | film genzō | フィルム現像 | |
film development only (no prints) | genzō-nomi | 現像のみ | |
film development price | genzō-ryō | 現像料 | |
film development with prints | dōji print | 同時プリント | |
Film formats a. 35mm (135) b. Medium-format film (120/220 film) c. 6 x 4.5 cm d. 6x6 cm, 2 1/4 in. e. 6x7 cm f. 6x9 cm g. 4x5 in. h. 8x10 in. |
a. sanjūgo miri film b. burōni film c. roku-yon-go, semi-ban d. roku-roku e. roku-nana f. roku-kyu g. shi-no-go h. baiten |
フィルムサイズ a. 35mmフィルム、135フィルム b. ブローニーフィルム(120/220) c. ロクヨンゴ、セミ判 d. ロクロク e. ロクナナ f. ロクキュウ g. シノゴ h. バイテン |
See also Film types. |
film grain | ryūshi | 粒子 | |
film processing | film genzō, DPE | フィルム現像、DPE | DPE is the Japanese abbreviation for development, printing, and enlargement. It refers to a photofinisher. |
film speed | See ISO film speed. | ||
Film types a. 35mm film b. 120 film c. APS film d. Black-and-white film e. Color film f. Color negative film g. Professional film h. Slide film i. Sheet film |
Film no shurui a. sanjū-go miri film b. burōni film c. <- d. shiro-kuro film e. <- f. Color nega film g. Pro-yō film h. Reversal film, poji film i. <- |
フィルムの種類 a. 35mmフィルム、135フィルム b. ブローニーフィルム c. APSフィルム d. 黒白フィルム、モノクロ フィルム e. カラーフィルム f. カラーネガフィルム g. プロ用フィルム h. リバーサルフィルム、ポジフィルム i. シートフィルム |
See also Film formats. |
fine grain | bi-ryūshi | 微粒子 | |
fixer (darkroom chemical) | teichaku-eki | 定着液 | |
frame (on a strip of film) | koma | コマ | |
gelatin developing out paper | zerachin genzō-shi | ゼラチン現像紙 | Vintage photos. |
glossy paper | kōtaku-shi | 光沢紙 | |
high-speed film (ISO 400 and higher) | kōkando film | 高感度フィルム | ISO 1000 and higher film is called chōkando film. 超高感度フィルム |
high-voltage battery pack | sekisō kandenchi | 積層乾電池 | Used with handle-mount flash. |
hypo clearing agent | suisen sokushinzai | 水洗促進剤 | |
infrared film | sekigaisen film | 赤外線フィルム | |
ink cartridge | <- | インクカートリッジ | |
inkjet printing paper | inkjet yōshi | インクジェット用紙 | |
ISO 400 film | iso kando yon-hyaku film | ISO感度400フィルム | |
ISO film speed | iso kando, film kando | イソ感度、フィルム感度 | |
latent image | senzō | 潜像 | |
lith film | <- | リスフィルム | |
lithium battery | See battery types. | ||
low-speed film (ISO 50 and lower) | tei-kando film | 低感度フィルム | |
matte paper | kinume-chō | 絹目調 | |
microfilm | <- | マイクロフィルム | |
minilab | <- | ミニラボ | Noritsu is Japan's largest minilab maker. |
negative (film) | nega | ネガ | "Nagative" is always abbreviated as "nega." |
nickel metal-hydride | NiMH | ニッケル水素電池 | See also Battery types. |
no film | Film ga nakunari mashita | フィルムが無くなりました | |
paper | yōshi | 用紙 | |
Paper sizes - 1 (1 inch = 25.4 mm) List of the most common small- and medium-size photo paper sizes in Japan and the US. a. photo stickers b. credit card size c. wallet size d. business card size (55x91 mm) e. 3.5 x 5 in. (89x127 mm) f. postcard size (100x148 mm) g. 4 x 6 in. (102x152 mm) h. 120x165 mm i. 127x178mm j. 5x7 in. (130x180mm) k. A5 (148x210 mm, 5.83x8.27 in.) l. 8x10 in. (203x254 mm) m. 8x12 in. (203x305mm) n. A4 (210x297 mm, 8.27x11.69 in.) o. US Letter (8.5x11 in., 215.9x279.4 mm) |
(-- Not used in Japan.) a. shashin seal (Purikura or Print Club) b. card size c. card size d. meishi size e. L-ban (Regular print size) f. hagaki size g. -- h. cabinet-ban i. 2L-ban j. dai-Cabinet-ban k. A5 (A-go) l. mutsugiri m. mutsugiri wide n. A4 o. Letter |
印画紙サイズ(国内と米国) a. 写真シール、シールプリント、プリクラ b. カードサイズ c. カードサイズ d. 名刺サイズ e. L判 f. はがきサイズ g. -- h. キャビネ判 i. 2L判 j. 大キャビネ判 k. A5 l.六ッ切 m. 六ッ切ワイド n. A4 o. レター |
Paper sizes in Japan include a mix of international,
American, and Japan-only sizes. A few American paper sizes (like 4x6 in.
and Letter) are not commonly used in Japan. When you develop a roll of
film, the standard-size print is L-ban (3.5 x 5 in.) unlike 4x6 in. in
the US. Also note that photo papers in Japan are usually referred to by name (L, Mutsugiri, A4, Hansetsu, etc.) instead of the dimensions. For inkjet printing papers, L, 2L, postcard (hagaki), and A4 are the most popular sizes. A3 Nobi paper is also available for large-format inkjet printers. |
Paper sizes - 2 (Large sizes) a. 10x12 in. (254x305 mm) b. 10x14.5 in. (254x368mm) c. 11x14 in. (279x356 mm) d. A3 ( 297x420 mm, 11.69x16.54 in.) e. 12x18 in. f. 14x17 in. (356x432 mm) g. A3 Nobi (329x483 mm, 13x19 in.) h. 16x20 in. i. 16x24 in. j. A2 ( 420x594 mm, 16.5 x 23.4 in.) k. 18x22 in. (457x560 mm) l. 20x24 in. (508x610 mm) m. 20x30 in. |
(-- Not used in Japan.) a. yotsugiri b. yotsugiri wide c. dai-yotsugiri d. A3 e. -- f. hansetsu g. A3 nobi h. -- i. -- j. A2 k. zenshi l. dai-zenshi m. poster size |
印画紙サイズ a.四 ッ切キ b. 四ッ切ワイド c. 大 四ッ切 d. A3 e. -- f. 半切 g. A3ノビ h. -- i. -- j. A2 k. 全紙 l. 大 全紙 m. ポスターサイズ |
There are also other common paper sizes such as B5 and other B-series papers. Although B is common for book and magazine sizes, they are not used for photo and inkjet printing. |
perforated film | yūkō film | 有孔フィルム | パーフォレーション is also used in Japanese. |
photo paper (for inkjet) | shashin yōshi | 写真用紙 | |
photocopying paper | copy-yōshi | コピー用紙 | |
photographic paper | inga-shi | 印画紙 | |
photo-sensitive materials | shashin kankō zairyō | 写真感光材料 | |
pigment ink | ganryō ink | 顔料インク | |
plain paper | futsū-shi | 普通紙 | |
plain salted paper | See salted paper. | Vintage photos. | |
print/negative film | See Film types. | ||
printer ink(s) | <- | プリンターインク | |
printing out paper | yakidashi ingashi | 焼き出し印画紙 | Vintage photos. |
professional film | See Film types. | ||
RC (resin-coated) paper | <- | RCペーパー、RC印画紙 | |
recharge time (battery) | jūden jikan | 充電時間 | |
recycled paper | saisei-shi | 再生紙 | |
replace (battery, etc.) | kōkan suru | 交換する | |
resin-coated paper | See RC paper. | ||
roll film | <- | ロールフィルム | |
roll of film | film ippon | フィルム1本 | Hon/bon/pon is the counter for rolls of film. |
roll paper | roll-shi | ロール紙 | Inkjet printer. |
semi-glossy paper | han-kōtaku-shi | 半光沢紙 | |
sheet film | <- | シートフィルム | |
silica gel | kansō-zai | 乾燥剤 | |
silver-halide (film, etc.) | gin-en | 銀塩 | |
size-AA batteries | See Battery types. | ||
slide film | See Film types. | ||
stop bath | teishi-eki | 停止液 | |
tracing paper | tore-pe | トレペ | |
tungsten film | <- | タングステンフィルム | |
unprocessed film | mi-genzō no film | 未現像のフィルム | |
X-ray fogging (of film) | X-senn kaburi | X線カブリ |
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