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Last updated: 2005-06-18
Compiled and written by Philbert Ono
What's this? List of photography-related words in English and Japanese. The Main List has 1100+ words (click on the alphabet links). Many of the words are also categorized in separate lists (General, Camera, etc.). Meanwhile, the J-E List is a separate Japanese-to-English list of essential words not included in the Main List. And Signs is a photo gallery of Japanese signs explained in English.
Note: If the Japanese term contains an English word, the English word is spelled in normal English in the romanization. This is for easier recognition and maybe easier pronunciation and understanding. If the Japanese term is identical to the Engiish, a left arrow <- is displayed (you still have to pronounce it in the Japanese katakana way). Macrons are provided to indicate long vowel sounds. Credits here.
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List | Signs | General |
Camera | Lens | Accessory | Digital | Supplies
16.7 million colors | senroppyaku-nanajūman kaichō | 1670万階調 | Kaichō actually means gradations. |
2 1/4 inch (square) | See 6x6 cm. | ||
24-exposure film | nijūyon-mai tori film | 24枚撮りフィルム | |
256 colors | nihyaku-gojūroku kaichō | 256階調 | |
35mm film | sanjū-go miri film | 35mmフィルム、135フィルム | Also see Film formats. |
35mm format equivalent (focal length) | sanjū-go miri format kansan | 35mmフォーマット換算 | Also called crop factor in English. |
35mm-format camera | See Camera types. | ||
36-exposure film | sanjūroku-mai tori film | 36枚撮りフィルム | |
3D effect | rittai-kan | 立体感 | Usually created with shadows. |
4x5 in. | shi-no-go | シノゴ | See also Film formats. |
5x7 in. (130x180mm) | dai-kyabine-ban | 大キャビネ判 | Also see Paper sizes. |
6x4.5 cm format | roku-yon-go, semi-ban | 645(ロクヨンゴ)判、セミ判 | See also Film formats. |
6x6 cm format | roku-roku | 66(ロクロク)判 | See also Film formats. |
6x7 cm format | roku-nana | 67(ロクナナ)判 | See also Film formats. |
6x9 cm format | roku-kyu | 69(ロクキュー)判 | See also Film formats. |
8x10 in. film | baiten, eight by ten | バイテン、エイトバイテン | See also Film formats. |
8x10 in. print | muttsu-giri | 六つ切、六ッ切 | Also see Paper sizes. |
A4 size | See Paper sizes. | ||
accessory shoe | <- | アクセサリーシュー | Some camera makers (like Canon) still call a hot shoe an accessory shoe. A hot shoe has flash-sync contacts whereas an accessory shoe does not. |
accessory(ies) | <- | アクセサリー | |
actual size (as shown by a photo) | tōbai shashin | 等倍写真 | |
A-DEP (automatic depth-of-field priority AE) | jidō shindo yūsen AE | 自動深度優先AE | |
advanced amateur photographer | high amateur, ado amateur | ハイアマチュア、アドアマ | "Amateur" is usually abbreviated as "ama." |
advertising photography | kōkoku shashin | 広告写真 | See also Photographic fields. |
AE lock | <- | AEロック | |
AEB (auto bracketing) | <- | オートブラケッティング | |
aerial photography | kūchū shashin | 空中写真 | See also Photographic fields. |
AF (autofocus) | AF | AF | |
AF (autofocus) lens | <- | AFレンズ | |
AF mode | <- | AFモード | |
AF-assist beam/light | AF hojokō | AF補助光 | The Japanese term does not distinguish between a beam, light, or small flashes. If you're translating this into English, you will have to find out which. |
albumen paper | keiranshi | 鶏卵紙、アルビュメンプリント | Vintage photos. |
aliasing | giza-giza, jaggy | ギザギザ、ジャギー | Jaggies. |
alpine photography | sangaku shashin | 山岳写真 | See also Photographic fields. |
amateur photographer | amateur, ama | アマチュア、アマ | Often abbreviated as "ama." |
amber | <- | アンバー | |
ambient/existing light | teijōkō | 定常光 | |
ambrotype | <- | アンブロタイプ、ガラス板写真 | Vintage photos. |
amount of light | kōryō | 光量 | |
angle of view | gakaku | 画角 | Usually expressed as the lens focal length. |
animals | See Photographic subjects (Nature). | ||
antique camera | See classic camera. | ||
aperture | shibori | 絞り | Maximum aperture: kaiho shibori 開放絞り |
aperture-priority AE | shibori-yūsen AE | 絞り優先AE | |
appear in the photo | shashin ni utsuru | 写真に写る | |
approximately | yaku ̄ |
約〜 | Commonly used in front of a numerical specification. |
APS film | <- | APSフィルム | |
APS-C size |
<- | APS-Cサイズ、アーピーエス シーサイズ | One of the three picture sizes provided by APS film. The C (Classic) size measures 16.7 x 25 mm with an aspect ratio of 2:3 which is similar to 35mm film. Many D-SLRs have an imaging sensor close to the APS-C size and thus are called "APS-C-size sensors" in Japan. |
architectural photography | kenchiku shashin | 建築写真 | See also Photographic fields. |
archival storage | eikyū hozon | 永久保存 | |
art museum | bijutsu-kan | 美術館 | |
artificial light | jinkō-kō | 人工光 | |
aspect ratio | aspect-hi | アスペクト比 | |
aspherical lens | hikyūmen lens | 非球面レンズ | |
assistant (to photographer) | ashi, assistant | アシ、アシスタント | |
astigmatism | hiten shūsa | 非点収差 | |
astrophotography | tentai shashin | 天体写真 | See also Photographic fields. |
attach (a lens) | tori-tsukeru | 取り付ける | |
auto bracketing | AEB | オートブラケッティング | |
auto white balance | <- | オートホワイトバランス | |
autoflash metering | jidō chōkō | 自動調光 | |
autofocus | <- | オートフォーカス | |
autofocus camera | <- | AFカメラ | |
autographed picture | sign-iri shashin | サイン入り写真 | |
automatic exposure/autoexposure | AE, jidō roshutsu | AE, 自動露出 | |
Av | aperture-priority AE | Av | Abbreviation for "Aperture value." Commonly used on camera dials, especially Canon. Nikon just uses "A." |
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List | Signs | General | Camera | Lens | Accessory | Digital | Supplies
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