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Last updated: 2005-06-18
Compiled and written by Philbert Ono
What's this? List of photography-related words in English and Japanese. The Main List has 1100+ words (click on the alphabet links). Many of the words are also categorized in separate lists (General, Camera, etc.). Meanwhile, the J-E List is a separate Japanese-to-English list of essential words not included in the Main List. And Signs is a photo gallery of Japanese signs explained in English.
Note: If the Japanese term contains an English word, the English word is spelled in normal English in the romanization. This is for easier recognition and maybe easier pronunciation and understanding. If the Japanese term is identical to the Engiish, a left arrow <- is displayed (you still have to pronounce it in the Japanese katakana way). Macrons are provided to indicate long vowel sounds. Credits here.
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List | Signs | General |
Camera | Lens | Accessory | Digital | Supplies
Accessory Words | |||
accessory(ies) | <- | アクセサリー | |
autoflash metering | jidō chōkō | 自動調光 | |
backdrop (in photo studio) | horizonto | ホリゾント | |
background paper (roll) | back-shi, horizonto, back paper | バック紙、ホリゾント、バックペーパー | This is usually supported by two pole cats in a photo studio. |
battery charger | <- | バッテリーチャージャー | |
bellows | jabara | 蛇腹 | |
blocks/cubes (studio prop) | saikoro | サイコロ | |
blower | <- | ブロワー | |
blower brush | <- | ブロワーブラシ | |
cable release | <-, remote cable | ケーブルレリーズ、リモートコード | |
camera bag | <- | カメラ・バッグ | |
camera case | <- | カメラケース | |
color compensating filter | iro hosei filter | 色補正フィルター | |
connect (with cable) | setsuzoku suru | 接続する | |
copy stand | <- | コピースタンド | |
darkroom | anshitsu | 暗室 | |
darkroom equipment | anshitsu yōhin | 暗室用品 | |
dedicated flash unit | senyō sutorobo | 専用ストロボ | Often called "Speedlite." |
developer tray | batto | バット | From "vat." They don't say "tray." |
developing tank (for film) | genzō tank | 現像タンク | Stainless steel developing tank: Stainless genzō tank |
diffuser | <- | ディフューザー | |
dry cabinet/box (to prevent fungus) | bōshitsu-ko | 防湿庫 | The Japanese term literally means "humdity-proof cabinet." |
effective range (flash, AF-assist beam, etc.) | yūkō kyori | 有効距離 | |
enlarger | hikinobashi-ki | 引伸機 | |
extension tube | <- | エクステンションチューブ | |
external flash | gaibu sutorobo | 外部ストロボ | |
external power pack (for flash, etc.) | gaibu dengen | 外部電源 | |
film holder (large-format camera) | <- | フィルムホルダー | |
filter | <- | フィルター | |
filter size/diameter | filter-kei | フィルター径 | |
flash | <-, sutorobo (strobe) | フラッシュ、ストロボ | As in English, the words "flash" and "strobe" can be used interchangeably in most cases. |
flash coverage | shōsha-kaku, shōsha han-i | 照射角、照射範囲 | |
flash disabled/off | sutorobo hakkō kinshi | ストロボ発光禁止 | |
flash exposure compensation | sutorobo chōkō hosei | ストロボ調光補正 | |
flash firing | flash hakkō | フラッシュ発光 | |
flash photography | flash satsuei | フラッシュ撮影 | |
flash recycling time | jūden jikan, recycle time | 充電時間、リサイクルタイム | |
flash-ready indicator | sutorobo jūden kanryō hyōji | ストロボ充電完了表示 | |
focus mode switch | <- | フォーカスモードスイッチ | |
gray card (18%) | jūhachi pasento gray hansha-ban | 18%グレー反射板 | |
Guide No. (flash unit) | <- | ガイドナンバー | |
handle-mount flash | grip-type stroboscopic flash | グリップタイプストロボ | |
items bundled/included (with camera) | See bundled items. | ||
light box | <-, light table | ライトボックス、ライトテーブル | |
light meter | See exposure meter. | ||
loupe | <- | ルーペ | |
magnifier/loupe | rūpe | ルーペ | In Japan, the word " loupe" is more common than "magnifier." |
modeling flash | modeling hakkō | モデリング発光 | |
modeling light | <- | モデリングライト | |
monopod | ikkyaku | 一脚 | |
ND (neutral density) filter | <- | NDフィルター | |
over-head projector | OHP | OHP | |
PictBridge | PictBridge | PictBridge | |
polarizing filter | henkō filter | 偏光フィルター、PLフィルター | |
power cord | dengen cord | 電源コード | |
power supply (for studio flash) | jene | ジェネ | Abbreviation for "generator." |
printing quality (inkjet) | insatsu hinshitsu | 印刷品質 | |
red-eye reduction | akame kanwa, akame keigen | 赤目緩和、赤目軽減 | Either a lamp or low-intensity flashes are used. |
ring flash | <- | リングフラッシュ | |
scanner | <- | スキャナ | |
shoe-mount flash | clip-on type strobe | クリップオンタイプストロボ | |
slave unit | slave | スレーブ | Often used interchangeably with "slave flash unit." |
slide projector | <- | スライドプロジェクター | |
Speedlite | <- | スピードライト | |
squeegee | film wiper | フィルムワイパー | |
storage card | See memory card. | ||
strobe | sutorobo | ストロボ | Often interchangeable with the word "flash." |
strobe head (studio flash) | <- | ストロボヘッド | |
stroboscopic flash | multi hakkō | マルチ発光 | Not to be confused with multiple flash units or Speedlites in a master-slave flash system(多灯ストロボ撮影) |
studio flash | ōgata strobe | 大型ストロボ | |
tongs (for chemical trays) | pinsetto | ピンセット | Same word for tweezers. |
tray (for chemicals) | batto | バット | From vat. |
tripod | sankyaku | 三脚 | |
tripod/monopod head | undai | 雲台 | |
underwater flash unit | suichū strobe | 水中ストロボ | |
UV filter | <- | UVフィルター | |
wireless | <-, musen | ワイヤレス、無線 | |
wireless flash with multiple Speedlites | wireless tacho strobe satsuei | ワイヤレス多灯ストロボ撮影 | |
X-ray film bag | X-sen bōshi bag | X線防止バッグ | |
X-sync contact | X setten | X接点 |
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