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Last updated: 2005-06-18
Compiled and written by Philbert Ono
What's this? List of photography-related words in English and Japanese. The Main List has 1100+ words (click on the alphabet links). Many of the words are also categorized in separate lists (General, Camera, etc.). Meanwhile, the J-E List is a separate Japanese-to-English list of essential words not included in the Main List. And Signs is a photo gallery of Japanese signs explained in English.
Note: If the Japanese term contains an English word, the English word is spelled in normal English in the romanization. This is for easier recognition and maybe easier pronunciation and understanding. If the Japanese term is identical to the Engiish, a left arrow <- is displayed (you still have to pronounce it in the Japanese katakana way). Macrons are provided to indicate long vowel sounds. Credits here.
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List | Signs | General |
Camera | Lens | Accessory | Digital | Supplies
daguerreotype | <-, ginpan shashin | ダゲレオタイプ、銀板写真 | |
dark | kurai | 暗 | い|
darkroom | anshitsu | 暗室 | |
darkroom equipment | anshitsu yōhin | 暗室 | 用品|
data | <- | データ | |
date (year, month, day) | nengappi | 年月日 | |
date when product will go on sale | hatsubai-bi | 発売日 | |
date/time | hizuke/jikoku | 日付 | /時刻|
daylight | taiyō-kō | 太陽光 | sun: taiyō太陽 |
decisive moment, the | kettei-teki shunkan | 決定的瞬間 | As coined by Henri Cartier-Bresson. |
dedicated flash unit | senyō strobo | 専用 | ストロボOften called "Speedlite." |
default setting | hyōujun settei, shoki settei | 標準設定、初期 | 設定|
degradation (of image quality) | rekka | 劣化 | Caused by lossy compression and editing. Very common term in digital photography. |
depth of field | hishakai shindo | 被写界深度 | |
depth-of-field preview button | shibori-komi button | 絞り込みボタン | |
detach (a lens) | tori-hazusu | 取 | り外 す|
developer (chemical) | genzō-eki | 現像液 | |
developer tray | batto | バット | From "vat." They don't say "tray." |
developing tank (for film) | genzō tank | 現像タンク | Stainless steel developing tank: Stainless genzō tank |
diffraction | kaisetsu | 回折 | |
diffuser | <- | ディフューザー | |
digital camera | deji-kame, <- | デジカメ、デジタルカメラ | Most commonly called "digicam." |
digital imaging services | digital nyushutsu-ryoku | デジタル入出 | 力 サービス|
digital photo/photography | digital shashin | デジタル写真 | |
digital SLR camera | D-SLR, digital ichigan-refu camera | D-SLR, デジタル一眼レフカメラ | |
digital zoom | <- | デジタルズーム | Image is zoomed electronically, not optically. See also optical zoom. |
dimensions (size) | gaikei sunpō | 外形 | 寸法Width: haba, length: nagasa, depth: okuyuki, height: takasa |
diopter | shido | 視度、ディオプター | |
dioptric correction/adjustment | shido chōsei | 視度 | 調整|
direct print | <- | ダイレクトプリント | This term can either refer to a direct print made from a slide or to direct printing with a digital camera connected directly to the printer without a personal computer. |
discounted price | waribiki nedan | 割り引き値段 | |
dispersion (of light) | bunsan | 分散 | |
display (an image) | hyōji suru | 表示する | See also show a photo. |
display panel | hyōji panel | 表示 | パネルUsually on the camera top to display shooting information. |
display screen | gamen | 画面 | This can also refer to the content (menus, histogram, shooting info, etc.) of what is displayed on the monitor. |
disposable camera | See single-use camera. | In Japan, "single-use camera" or "film with lens" is the preferred term among the manufacturers since the cameras are actually recycled. | |
distortion (lens aberration) | waikyoku shūsa | ディストーション、歪曲収差 | |
documentary photography | documentary shashin | ドキュメンタリー写真 | |
dodging (an image on a print) | ooi-yaki | おおい焼き | |
double exposure | nijū roshutsu | 二重露出 | |
download | <- | ダウンロード | |
driver's license ID photo | unten menkyosho shashin | 運転免許証の写真 | |
dry cabinet/box (to prevent fungus) | bōshitsu-ko | 防湿庫 | The Japanese term literally means "humdity-proof cabinet." |
dry mount | <- | ドライマウント | |
dry plate | kanpan | 乾板 | Vintage photos. |
duplicate (of original slide/neg) | dupe | デュープ | |
dust | hokori | ほこり | |
dust spots | hokori, gomi | ほこり、ゴミ | |
dye-based ink | senryō ink | 染料 | インクFor inkjet printing, this type of ink is much more prone to fading over time. See also pigment ink. |
dynamic range | <- | ダイナミックレンジ |
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List | Signs | General | Camera | Lens | Accessory | Digital | Supplies
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