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Last updated: 2005-06-18
Compiled and written by Philbert Ono
What's this? List of photography-related words in English and Japanese. The Main List has 1100+ words (click on the alphabet links). Many of the words are also categorized in separate lists (General, Camera, etc.). Meanwhile, the J-E List is a separate Japanese-to-English list of essential words not included in the Main List. And Signs is a photo gallery of Japanese signs explained in English.
Note: If the Japanese term contains an English word, the English word is spelled in normal English in the romanization. This is for easier recognition and maybe easier pronunciation and understanding. If the Japanese term is identical to the Engiish, a left arrow <- is displayed (you still have to pronounce it in the Japanese katakana way). Macrons are provided to indicate long vowel sounds. Credits here.
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List | Signs | General |
Camera | Lens | Accessory | Digital | Supplies
salted paper | enkagin-shi, <- | 塩化カミ、ソルテッドペーパー | 銀 紙Invented by William Henry Fox Talbot in 1841. Vintage photos. |
sample images (camera test) | jissha sample gazō | 実写サンプル画像 | |
sample photo (in a manual) | sakurei shashin | 作例 | 写真|
Say cheese! | Hai chiizu! | ハイ、チーズ! | |
scanner | <- | スキャナ | |
scenic lookout | tenbōdai | 展望台 | |
scenic photography | See landscape photography. | ||
school yearbook | sotsugyō album | 卒業 | アルバム|
screen (for slide show) | <- | スクリーン | |
screen size (monitor) | gamen size | 画面 | サイズ|
SD card | <- | SDカード | |
season | kisetsu | 季節 | Four seasons: shiki 四季 Spring: haru 春ハル Summer: natsu 夏 Fall: aki 秋 Winter: fuyu 冬 Rainy season: tsuyu 梅雨 |
second-curtain sync | ato-maku shinkuro | 後幕シンクロ | |
seconds (time) | byō | 秒 | One sec.: ichi-byo |
security camera | bōhan camera | 防犯カメラ | |
select (mode, etc.) | erabu | 選 | ぶ|
select a photo(s) | shashin o erabu | 写真を選ぶ | |
self introduction | jiko shōkai | 自己 | 紹介|
self-portrait | <- | セルフポートレート | |
self-timer | <- | セルフタイマー | |
semiconductor | handōtai | 半導体 | |
semi-glossy paper | han-kōtaku-shi | 半 | 光沢 紙|
send photos | shashin o okuru | 写真 | を送 る|
send photos via email | shashin o mail suru | 写真をメールする | |
sensor (digital camera imaging element) | <-, satsuzō soshi | 撮像素子 | |
sepia photo | sepia-iro no shashin | セピア色の写真 | |
set (a mode, etc.) | settei suru | 設定する | |
shade | hikage | 日陰 | |
shadow (on face, etc.) | kage | 陰 | |
shadow detail, loss of | kuro tsubure | 黒 | つぶれ|
shadows (in a photo) | shadow-bu | シャドー部 | There is no shadow detail: Shadow bubun ga tsuburete iru. シャドー部が潰れている。 |
sharpness | <- | シャープネス | |
sheet film | <- | シートフィルム | |
shoe-mount flash | clip-on type strobe | クリップオンタイプストロボ | |
shooting conditions | satsuei jōkyō | 撮影状況 | |
shooting data (exposure, date, etc.) | satsuei data | 撮影データ | |
shooting mode (program, shutter priority, etc.) | satsuei mode | 撮影モード | |
shots per second | See frames per second. | ||
shots remaining | satsuei kanō maisū | 撮影 | 可能枚数In the case of a film camera, they called it "film counter" (frame counter). But since digital cameras do not use film and the memory card's capacity is inexact, this term is used for digicams. |
show a photo(s) | shashin o miseru | 写真を見 | せる|
shutter | <- | シャッター | |
shutter button | <- | シャッターボタン | |
shutter button pressed completely | zen-oshi | 全押 | し|
shutter curtains | shutter maku | シャッター幕 | |
shutter speed | shutter sokudo | シャッター速度 | |
shutter speed-priority AE | shutter yūsen AE | シャッター優先AE | Same as Tv. |
shutter time lag | <- | シャッタータイムラグ | Digicams. |
side light | <- | サイドライト | |
signal-to-noise ratio | SN-hi | SN比 | |
silica gel | kansō-zai | 乾燥剤 | |
silver-halide (film, etc.) | gin-en | 銀塩 | |
simultaneous recording (RAW+JPEG) | dōji kiroku | 同時 | 記録|
single focal length lens | tan shōten lens | 単焦点レンズ | |
single-frame shooting | ichimai satsuei, hito-koma satsuei | 1枚 | 撮影 、1コマ撮影|
single-use camera | tsukai-sute camera, lens-tsuki film, tsukai-kiri camera | 使い捨てカメラ、レンズ付きフィルム、使いきりカメラ | It seems that the popular name for this is "disposable camera" in both Japan and America. However, the manufacturers prefer other names such as "single-use camera" and "film wth lens" because the cameras are recycled and not thrown away. |
size-AA batteries | See Battery types. | ||
skin tone | hada-iro | 肌色 | |
slave unit | slave | スレーブ | Often used interchangeably with "slave flash unit." |
slide film | See Film types. | ||
slide projector | <- | スライドプロジェクター | |
slow flash sync speed | slow synchro | スローシンクロ | |
slow shutter speed | slow shutter | スローシャッター | |
SLR camera | ichigan-refu | 一眼レフカメラ | |
Smile! | Waratte! | 笑って! | |
snapshot | snap shashin, snap | スナップ写真、スナップ | |
solarization | <- | ソラリゼーション | |
sold out | urikire | 売り切れ | |
sold separately | betsu-uri | 別売 | り|
Sorry! | gomenasai! | ごめなさい! | |
sound | onsei | 音声 | Accompanying the image or movie. |
space photography (by astronauts) | uchū shashin | 宇宙 | 写真There's actually a fascinating story of how US astronauts began taking photos while in space. But it's not Japan-related so I won't elaborate. |
specifications (of camera, etc.) | shiyō | 仕様 | |
specify (quantity, etc.) | shitei suru | 指定 | する|
special order | juchū seisan | 受注生産 | The product is manufactured only when a special order is placed. Often applies to large, expensive lenses. |
Speedlite | <- | スピードライト | |
spherical aberration | kyūmen shūsa | 球面収差 | |
spirit photos | See ghost photos. | ||
sports photography | sports shashin | スポーツ写真 | |
spot metering | spot sokkō | スポット測光 | |
squeegee | film wiper | フィルムワイパー | |
staff photographer | seishain cameraman | 正社員カメラマン | |
staged shot | enshutsu shashin, yarase shashin | 演出 | 写真 、やらせ写真"Enshutsu shashin" can
be a deliberate or posed shot for a creative work. "Yarase shashin" implies faked posing that tries to deceive the viewer. Or it can show someone paid, forced or coaxed to pose in the way the photographer demands. It has a negative connotation. |
stainless steel | stainless | ステンレス | |
startup time (digital camera) | kidō jikan | 起動 | 時間|
stereo camera | <- | ステレオカメラ | |
stereo photography | stereo shashin, rittai shashin | ステレオ写真 | 、立体 写真|
stereograph | stereo shashin | ステレオ写真 | |
still camera | <- | スチルカメラ | |
still-life | seibutsu | 静物 | |
stills (photographs) | still shashin | スチール写真 | |
stock photo agency | photo library, shashin agency, photo agency | フォトライブラリー、写真 | エージェンシー、フォトエージェンシー|
stop bath | teishi-eki | 停止液 | |
stop down (close) the aperture | shibori-komu | 絞り込む | |
storage card | See memory card. | ||
stray light | meikō | 迷 | 光|
street photography | street shashin, machikado shashin | ストリート写真、街角写真 | |
street price | tentō kakaku | 店頭 | 価格|
strobe | sutorobo | ストロボ | Often interchangeable with the word "flash." |
strobe head (studio flash) | <- | ストロボヘッド | |
stroboscopic flash | multi hakkō | マルチ発光 | Not to be confused with multiple flash units or Speedlites in a master-slave flash system. |
studio flash | ōgata strobe | 大型ストロボ | |
stylist | <- | スタイリスト | |
subject (of a photo) | hishatai | 被写体 | |
successor model (camera) | kōkei kishu | 後継機種 | |
sun | taiyō | 太陽 | |
super telephoto lens | See Lens types. | ||
swimsuit | mizugi | 水着 |
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