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Last updated: 2005-06-18
Compiled and written by Philbert Ono
What's this? List of photography-related words in English and Japanese. The Main List has 1100+ words (click on the alphabet links). Many of the words are also categorized in separate lists (General, Camera, etc.). Meanwhile, the J-E List is a separate Japanese-to-English list of essential words not included in the Main List. And Signs is a photo gallery of Japanese signs explained in English.
Note: If the Japanese term contains an English word, the English word is spelled in normal English in the romanization. This is for easier recognition and maybe easier pronunciation and understanding. If the Japanese term is identical to the Engiish, a left arrow <- is displayed (you still have to pronounce it in the Japanese katakana way). Macrons are provided to indicate long vowel sounds. Credits here.
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List | Signs | General |
Camera | Lens | Accessory | Digital | Supplies
cable release | <-, remote cord | ケーブルレリーズ、リモートコード | |
camcorder | video camera | ビデオカメラ | The word "camcorder" never caught on in Japan. |
camera | <-, shashin-ki | カメラ、写真機 | "Shashin-ki" is somewhat archaic. Older-generation Japanese might say it. |
camera angle | <- | カメラアングル | |
camera bag | <- | カメラ・バッグ | |
camera body | <-, camera hontai | カメラボディ、カメラ本体 | |
camera case | <- | カメラケース | |
camera equipment | camera kizai | カメラ機材 | |
camera industry | camera gyōkai | カメラ業界 | |
camera instruction manual | setsumei-sho, shiyō setsumeisho, toriatsukai setsumeisho | 説明書、使用説明書、取扱説明書 | English manual: Eigo-ban no setsumei-sho. 英語版の説明書 |
camera lens | <- | カメラレンズ | |
camera magazine (periodical) | camera zasshi | カメラ雑誌 | |
camera manufacturer | camera maker | カメラメーカー | |
camera movements | aori | あおり | With large-format camera. |
camera museum | camera hakubutsukan | カメラ博物館 | Where a collection of cameras is displayed. |
camera phone | camera-tsuki keitai denwa | カメラ付 *国内 で"camera-equipped cell phone"と直訳 されることもよくあるけど、欧米 では"camera phone"と定着 している。 |
き携帯 電話Camera phones are enormously popular in Japan
enabling picture-taking on an unprecedented mass scale. Most cell phones sold
in Japan are equipped with a camera. They are the main reason for slumping
sales of single-use cameras. Also see cell phone. |
camera repair | camera no shuri | カメラの修理 | |
camera shake | camera-bure, tebure | カメラブレ、手ブレ | |
camera shop | camera-ya, shashin-ya | カメラ屋、写真屋 | |
camera show | <- | カメラショー | |
Camera types a. 35mm-format camera b. camera phone c. classic camera d. compact camera e. compact digital camera f. digital camera g. digital SLR camera h. disposable/single-use camera i. entry-level model j. film camera k. half-frame camera l. high-end model m. large-format camera n. medium-format camera o. point-and-shoot camera p. rangefinder camera q. SLR camera r. still camera s. top-of-the-line camera t. twin-lens reflex camera u. underwater camera v. used camera w. view camera |
Camera no shurui a. sanjū-go miri-ban camera b. camera-tsuki keitai denwa c. kura-kame, <- d. <- e. <- f. deji-kame, <- g. D-SLR, digital ichigan-refu camera h. tsukai-sute camera, lens-tsuki film, tsukai-kiri camera i. entry model, entry-ki, fukyū-ki j. <-, gin-en camera k. half-size camera l. high-end-ki, jōi model m. ōgata (or ōban) camera n. chūgata (or chūban) camera o. See compact camera. p. kyorikei rendō camera, <- q. ichigan-refu, SLR r. <- s. saijōi kishu t. nigan-refu camera u. suichū kamera v. chūko camera w. <-, ōgata camera |
カメラの種類 a. 35mm判カメラ b. カメラ付き携帯電話 c. クラカメ、クラシックカメラ d. コンパクトカメラ e. コンパクトデジタルカメラ f. デジカメ、デジタルカメラ g. デジタル一眼レフカメラ h. 使い捨てカメラ、レンズ付きフィルム、使いきりカメラ i. エントリーモデル、エントリー機、普及機 j. フィルムカメラ 、銀塩カメラ k. ハーフ・サイズ・カメラ l. ハイエンド機、上位モデル m. 大型カメラ、大判カメラ n. 中判カメラ、中型カメラ o. コンパクトカメラ p. 距離計連動カメラ、レンジファインダーカメラ q. 一眼レフカメラ r. スチルカメラ s. 最上位機種 t. 二眼レフカメラ u. 水中カメラ v. 中古カメラ w. ビューカメラ、大型カメラ |
See also Film formats. |
camera with interchangeable lenses | lens kōkan-shiki camera | レンズ交換式カメラ | |
cameraman | <- | カメラマン | A woman photographer is also called a "cameraman." A "cameraman" could also be a video or TV cameraman. See also photographer. |
camera-ready copy | shashin seihan genkō | 写真製版原稿 | |
camera-to-subject distance | satsuei kyori | 撮影 | 距離|
cancel (a setting, etc.) | kaijō suru | 解除する | |
cancel (printing operation, etc.) | chūshi suru | 中止 | する|
candid camera (entertainment program) | dokkiri camera | どっきりカメラ | Usually a TV program or the act of catching someone by surprise and recording his/her reaction on video. Also see hidden camera. |
candids | kakushi-tori, <- | 隠し撮り、キャンディッドフォト | There is also tōsatsu (peeping tom photos) which has a negative connotation. |
caption | <-, setsumei-bun | キャプション、説明文 | |
card reader | <- | カードリーダー | For memory cards like CompactFlash. |
carry around a photo (in a wallet, etc.) | shashin o mochi-aruku | 写真 | を持ち歩く|
carte-de-visite | meishi-ban shashin | 名刺判 | 写真Vintage photos. |
cash (money) | genkin | 現金 | |
cashier/checkout (to pay for goods) | reji | レジ | |
catchlight | <- | キャッチライト | |
CCD sensor | <- | CCDセンサー | |
cell phone | keitai, keitai denwa | 携帯(ケータイ) | 、携帯 電話Most people just say "keitai." Also see camera phone. |
center-weighted average metering | chūō jūten heikin sokkō | 中央重点平均 | 測光|
centerweighted metering | chūō jūten sokkō | 中央重点測光 | |
change (a setting, etc.) | henkō suru | 変更 | するChange a setting: Settei o henkō suru. |
check (the exposure, image, etc.) | kakunin suru, check suru | 確認 | する、チェックする|
children | kodomo | 子供 | See also Photographic subjects. |
chromatic aberration | iro shūsa | 色 | 収差|
CLA (clean-lube-adjust) | overhaul | オーバーホール | Camera repair. |
claim receipt (for processed film) | hikikae-ken | 引換券 | |
classic camera | kura-kame, <- | クラカメ、クラシックカメラ | Very commonly abbreviated as "kura-kame." |
clean (the sensor) | seisō suru | 清掃 | する|
close shot (of face, etc.) | up | アップ | |
closest focusing distance | saitan satsuei kyori | 最短撮影距離 | |
close-up photography | sessha shashin | 接写写真 | See also Photographic fields. |
close-up shot | close-up shashin | クローズアップ写真 | |
cloudy | See overcast. | ||
CMOS sensor | shiimosu sensor | CMOSセンサー | |
collotype | <- | コロタイプ | |
color | iro | 色 | |
Color cast a. Bluish b. Greenish c. Reddish d. Too orange |
Iro kaburi a. aoppoi b. midorippoi c. akappoi d. orenjippoi |
色カブリ a.青 っぽい b. 緑 っぽい c. 赤 っぽい d. オレンジっぽい |
color compensating filter | iro hosei filter | 色補正フィルター | |
color fading | taishoku | 退色 | Inkjet prints. |
color film | <- | カラーフィルム | |
color gamut | shiki iki | 色域 | |
color hue | shikisō | 色相 | Iro-ai色合 | い is also used, but shikisō is the Photoshop term.
color negative film | color nega film | カラーネガフィルム | |
color photograph/photography | color shashin | カラー写真 | |
color reproduction | iro saigen | 色再現 | |
color saturation | saido | 彩度 | |
color slide film | color reversal film, slide film, posi | カラー・リバーサル・フィルム、スライドフィルム、ポジ | |
color space (sRGB, Adobe RGB, etc.) | iro kūkan | 色空間 | |
color temperature | iro ondo | 色温度 | |
color temperature correction | iro ondo hosei | 色 | 温度 補正|
color toning (sepia, etc.) | shiki-chō | 色調 | |
color-faded photograph | See faded photo. | ||
commercial photo studio | <- | フォトスタジオ | |
commercial photographer | commercial cameraman | コマーシャルカメラマン | |
commercial photography | commercial photo, shōgyō shashin | コマーシャルフォト、商業写真 | See also Photographic fields. |
compact camera | <- | コンパクトカメラ | What they call "point-and-shoot camera" in the US is just "compact camera" in Japan. You may also hear the term "bakachon camera" (バカチョンカメラ) which implies a cheap and simple compact camera. |
compact digital camera | <- | コンパクトデジタルカメラ | |
CompactFlash card | <- | CFカード | |
composite photograph | gōsei shashin | 合成 | 写真|
composition/framing of subject | kōzu | 構図 | |
compress the photo | shashin o asshuku suru | 写真を圧縮する | |
compression (JPEG, etc.) | asshuku | 圧縮 | |
computer graphics | CG | シージー | |
condensation (of lens) | gyōketsu | 凝結 | |
connect (with cable) | setsuzoku suru | 接続する | |
consumables (ink, paper, etc.) | shōmō-hin | 消耗品 | |
consumption tax | shōhi-zei | 消費税 | Including tax: zeikomi 税込み Excluding tax: zei-betsu税 別ベツ |
contact info (address, phone, etc.) | renraku-saki | 連絡先 | |
contact info for inquiries | toiawase-saki | 問い合わせ先 | |
contact print | beta-yaki | ベタ焼き、コンタクトプリント | The digital version is called "index print" which is a sheet of thumbnails. |
contemporary photography | <-, konpara shashin, gendai shashin | コンテンポラリーフォトグラフィー、コンパラ写真、現代写真 | |
continuous shooting | renzoku shashin, rensha | 連続撮影、連写 | |
continuous shooting speed | renzoku shashin sokudo | 連続 | 撮影 速度See also maximum burst. |
contract/stringer photographer | keiyaku cameraman | 契約カメラマン | |
contrast (of photo) | <- | コントラスト | |
copy stand | <- | コピースタンド | |
copyright | chosakuken | 著作権 | |
copyright symbol | chosakuken mark | 著作権マーク | |
corporate annual report | kaisha annai | 会社 | 案内|
correct exposure | tekisei roshutsu | 適正 | 露出|
cover photo (of magazine) | hyōshi shashin, cover shashin | 表紙 | 写真 、 カバー写真|
credit card | <- | クレジットカード | |
credit card size | card size | カードサイズ | Also see Paper sizes. |
credit line (photographer's name) | credit | クレジット | |
crop (a photo) | trimming | トリミング *英語 では、trimmingはハサミなどで写真 の紙 を切キってトリミングする。Croppingは引 き伸ノばす段階 でトリミングする。 髪 の毛ケを切 るときもtrimmingをよく言 う。日本 の皆 さん、和製 英語 を要 注意チュウイ。 |
"Trimming" is another English word used incorrectly in Japan. In English, trimming means to cut the picture with scissors/knife. And crop means to exclude unwanted parts of the picture during the enlargement. |
curator (museum, etc.) | gakugei-in | 学芸員 | |
curvilinear distortion | fuseikyoku shūsa | 不正曲 | 収差Lens aberration. |
custom functions | custom kinō | カスタム機能 | |
custom-made/special camera | tokusei kamera | 特製カメラ |
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