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Last updated: 2005-06-18
Compiled and written by Philbert Ono
What's this? List of photography-related words in English and Japanese. The Main List has 1100+ words (click on the alphabet links). Many of the words are also categorized in separate lists (General, Camera, etc.). Meanwhile, the J-E List is a separate Japanese-to-English list of essential words not included in the Main List. And Signs is a photo gallery of Japanese signs explained in English.
Note: If the Japanese term contains an English word, the English word is spelled in normal English in the romanization. This is for easier recognition and maybe easier pronunciation and understanding. If the Japanese term is identical to the Engiish, a left arrow <- is displayed (you still have to pronounce it in the Japanese katakana way). Macrons are provided to indicate long vowel sounds. Credits here.
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List | Signs | General |
Camera | Lens | Accessory | Digital | Supplies
hair light | <- | ヘアライト | |
halation | <- | ハレーション | |
half-frame camera | half-size camera | ハーフ・サイズ・カメラ | |
half-silvered mirror | half mirror | ハーフミラー | |
half-stop increments | handan step | 1/2段 | ステップWhole-stop increments: Ichi-dan step. 1段ステップ |
halo effect (with backlight) | gyakkō | ホールライン *と日本語の写真用語辞典にありますが、一般的に使用されていないようです。 |
Although "halo effect" is a common term in English, there might not be an exact equivalent in Japanese. The closest might be "backlight effect." |
hand-held | temochi | 手持ち | |
handle-mount flash | grip-type stroboscopic flash | グリップタイプストロボ | |
hand-tinted photograph | saishiki shashin, iro-zuke sareta shashin | 彩色写真、色づけされた写真 | Vintage photos. |
hang a photo (on a wall) | shashin o kakeru | 写真をかける | |
have one's photo taken | shashin o totte morau | 写真を撮ってもらう | |
head shot | kao shashin | 顔写真 | Literally means "face shot." |
hidden camera | kakushi kamera | 隠しカメラ | |
high image quality | kōgashitsu | 高画質 | |
high resolution | kōkaizōdo | 高解像度 | |
high shutter speed | kōsoku shutter | 高速シャッター | |
high-end model | high-end-ki, jōi model | ハイエンド機、上位 | モデル|
highlight (overexposure) warning | highlight keikoku | ハイライト警告 | |
highlight detail loss | shiro-tobi | 白 | とびThe highlights are washed out: Highlight-bu ga tonde iru. ハイライト部が飛 | んでいる。See also shadow detail loss.
highlights (in a photo) | highlight-bu | ハイライト部 | |
high-speed film (ISO 400 and higher) | kōkando film | 高感度フィルム | ISO 1000 and higher film is called chōkando film. 超高感度フィルム |
high-speed sync (FP flash) | high-speed synchro, FP hakkō | ハイスピードシンクロ、FP発光 | |
high-voltage battery pack | sekisō kandenchi | 積層乾電池 | Used with handle-mount flash. |
histogram | <- | ヒストグラム | |
history of photography | shashin-shi | 写真 | 史|
hobby | shumi | 趣味 | Photography is my hobby: Shashin wa shumi desu. 写真 | は趣味 です。
holiday | kyūjitsu | 休日 | National holiday: saijitsu 祭日 3-day weekend: san-renkyū 3連休 See also vacation. |
horizontal | yoko | 横 | |
hot shoe | <- | ホットシュー | Note the difference with accessory shoe. |
How many? (pictures) | Nanmai? | 何枚 | ?|
How much? | Ikura? | いくら? | |
hypo clearing agent | suisen sokushinzai | 水洗促進剤 |
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List | Signs | General | Camera | Lens | Accessory | Digital | Supplies
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