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Last updated: 2005-06-19
Compiled and written by Philbert Ono
What's this? List of photography-related words in English and Japanese. The Main List has 1100+ words (click on the alphabet links). Many of the words are also categorized in separate lists (General, Camera, etc.). Meanwhile, the J-E List is a separate Japanese-to-English list of essential words not included in the Main List. And Signs is a photo gallery of Japanese signs explained in English.
Note: If the Japanese term contains an English word, the English word is spelled in normal English in the romanization. This is for easier recognition and maybe easier pronunciation and understanding. If the Japanese term is identical to the Engiish, a left arrow <- is displayed (you still have to pronounce it in the Japanese katakana way). Macrons are provided to indicate long vowel sounds. Credits here.
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List | Signs | General |
Camera | Lens | Accessory | Digital | Supplies
General Words | |||
approximately | yaku ̄ | 約〜 | Often used in front of a numerical specification. |
black | kuro | 黒 | |
blue | ao | 青、ブルー | |
book | hon | 本 | |
bookstore | honya | 本屋 | |
business card | meishi | 名刺 *直訳してname cardと呼ぶ日本人が多いけど、business cardが正解。でも"name card"でも通じる。 |
Many Japanese call it "name card" in English, a literal translation. |
camera magazine (periodical) | camera zasshi | カメラ雑誌 | |
cash (money) | genkin | 現金 | |
cashier/checkout (to pay for goods) | reji | レジ | |
cell phone | keitai, keitai denwa | 携帯/ケータイ、携帯電話 | Most people just say "keitai." Also see camera phone. |
claim receipt (for processed film) | hikikae-ken | 引換券 | |
consumption tax | shōhi-zei | 消費税 | Including tax: zeikomi 税込み Excluding tax: zei-betsu 税別ベツ |
contact info (address, phone, etc.) | renraku-saki | 連絡先 | |
contact info for inquiries | toiawase-saki | 問い合わせ先 | |
credit card | <- | クレジットカード | |
date (year, month, day) | nengappi | 年月日 | |
date when product will go on sale | hatsubai-bi | 発売日 | |
date/time | hizuke/jikoku | 日付/時刻 | |
discount card | point card | ポイントカード | Enables you to receive a discount for the next purchase. |
discounted price | waribiki nedan | 割り引き値段 | |
earthquake | jishin | 地震 | |
editor-in-chief | henshū-chō | 編集長 | |
e-mail address | meeru address | メールアドレス | Postal address: jūsho 住所 |
English | eigo | 英語 | |
English brochure | eigo no pamphlet | 英語のパンフレット | |
English instruction manual | eigo-ban shiyōu setsumeisho | 英語版使用説明書 | |
English magazines | eigo no zasshi | 英語の雑誌 | |
Excuse me! | Sumimasen! | As in English, you can say this to apologize or get the salesman's attention. | |
festival | omatsuri/matsuri | お祭り | |
go on sale | hatsubai suru | 発売する | |
green | green, midori | グリーン、緑 | |
hobby | shumi | 趣味 | Photography is my hobby: Shashin wa shumi desu. 写真は趣味です。 |
holiday | kyujitsu | 休日 | National holiday: saijitsu 祭日 3-day weekend: san-renkyū 3連休 See also vacation. |
horizontal | yoko | 横 | |
How many? (pictures) | Nanmai? | 何枚? | |
How much? | Ikura? | いくら? | |
in stock (camera, book, etc.) | zaiko | 在庫 | |
included |  ̄tsuki | 〜付き | Added after the name of the accessory that is included. For example, "lens case-tsuki" means "including lens case." |
Japanese language | Nihongo | 日本語 | |
Japanese photographer | Nihon-jin cameraman/shashinka | 日本人カメラマン/写真家 | |
Japanese photography | Nihon no shashin bunka | 日本の写真文化 | |
language | gengo | 言語 | |
made in Japan | Nihon-sei | 日本製 | |
magazine | zasshi | 雑誌 | |
measurements (woman's) | three size | スリーサイズ | In Japan, they are measured in centimeters, not inches. |
name | namae | 名前 | |
newspaper | shinbun | 新聞 | |
No flash photography allowed | flash satsuei kinshi | フラッシュ撮影禁止 | |
No photography allowed | satsuei kinshi | 撮影禁止 | Image here. |
observation deck (skyscraper) | tenbōdai | 展望台 | |
order (a camera, book, etc.) | chūmon suru | 注文する | |
out of stock | zaiko-kire | 在庫切れ | See also sold out. |
pamphlet | <- | パンフレット | |
paparazzi | paparachi | パパラッチ | |
phone number | denwa bangō | 電話番号 | |
photo history | shashin-shi | 写真史 | |
photo industry | shashin sangyō | 写真産業 | |
photo shy | shashin-kirai | 写真嫌い | |
photographer | cameraman, shashinka, <- | カメラマン、写真家、フォトグラファ | The words "cameraman" and "shashinka" are often used interchangeably. However, there are slight differences. "Cameraman" could be a news photographer, commercial photographer, etc. Whereas a fine-art photographer is always a "shashinka." And a movie cameraman can never be called a "shashinka" because "shashin" means photography. The word "photographer" is also used in Japanese, but much less common. |
photographic science | shashin kagaku | 写真科学 | |
photographic terminology | shashin yōgo | 写真用語 | Dictionary of photo terminology: Shashin yogo jiten |
photographic terminology list | shashin yōgo-shū | 写真用語集 | What you are looking at now. Compiled by Philbert Ono at photojpn.org. |
photography prohibited | shashin satsuei wa kinshi | 写真撮影は禁止 | |
photography world | shashin-kai | 写真界 | |
photography-related | shashin kankei | 写真関係 | |
portrait rights | shōzō-ken | 肖像権 | Rights to one's likeness. |
power source | dengen | 電源 | |
question | shitsumon | 質問 | I have a question: Shitsumon arimasu. |
red | aka | 赤 | Reddish: akappoi |
retail price | teika, hyōjun kakaku | 定価、標準価格 | See also street price. |
return the purchased item | henpin | 返品 | |
Say cheese! | Hai chiizu! | ハイ、チーズ! | |
season | kisetsu | 季節 | Four seasons: shiki 四季 Spring: haru 春ハル Summer: natsu 夏 Fall: aki 秋 Winter: fuyu 冬 Rainy season: tsuyu 梅雨 |
seconds (time) | byō | 秒 | One sec.: ichi-byo |
self introduction | jiko shōkai | 自己紹介 | |
Smile! | Waratte! | 笑って! | |
sold out | urikire | 売り切れ | |
sold separately | betsu-uri | 別売り | |
Sorry! | gomenasai! | ごめなさい! | Apology. |
sound | onsei | 音声 | Accompanying the image or movie. |
specify (quantity, etc.) | shitei suru | 指定する | |
stainless steel | stainless | ステンレス | |
sun | taiyō | 太陽 | |
take a photograph a. have one's photo taken b. take a photo together c. take a photo with Mt. Fuji in the background |
shashin o toru a. shashin o totte morau b. issho ni shashin o torō c. Fuji-san o bakku ni shashin o toru |
写真を撮る、撮影する a. 写真を撮ってもらう b. 一緒に写真を撮ろう c. 富士山をバックに写真を撮る |
tax excluded (from the price) | zeibetsu | 税別 | |
tax included (in the price) | zeikomi | 税込み | |
temperature | ondo | 温度 | Air temperature is kion 気温. |
Thank you! | Domo arigato | どうもありがとう | |
total amount (money) | gōkei | 合計 | |
use | tsukau | 使う | |
vacation | yasumi | 休み | Day off/holiday: kyūjitsu 休日 National holiday: saijitsu 祭日 Weekend: shūmatsu 週末 3-day weekend: san-renkyū 3連休 Consecutive national holidays: renkyū 連休 Spring vacation/Golden Week: haru yasumi 春休み Summer vacation: natsu yasumi/Obon yasumi 夏休み/お盆休み New Year's holidays/winter vacation: Oshōgatsu /fuyu yasumi お正月/冬休み Golden Week is a string of national holidays in late April to early May. Synonymous with spring vacation. Obon is the Buddhist belief where deceased souls return to Earth and Bon dances are held to greet them. It is also a time when people visit ancestral graves. Synonymous with summer vacation for most working people. |
vertical | tate | 縦 | |
warranty card | hoshōsho | 保証書 | |
warranty period | hoshō kikan | 保証期間 | |
waterproof | bōsui | 防水 | |
weather forecast | tenki yohō | 天気予報 | Sunny: Hare 晴れ Rain: Ame 雨 Cloudy: Kumori 曇り Chance of rain: kōsui kakuritsu (expressed as a percentage) 降水確率 Snow: yuki 雪 Thunderstorm: Raiu 雷雨 Typhoon: Taifu 台風 Temperature: kion 気温 |
weight | shitsuryō | 質量 | The weight of a person is called "taijū" 体重 and not shitsuryō. |
Welcome! | Irasshaimase! | いらっしゃいませ! | |
What time? | Nanji? | 何時? | |
Where? | Doko? | 何処? | |
white | shiro | 白 | |
Who? | Dare? | 誰? |
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