The 3rd CP+ Camera & Photo Imaging Show, Japan’s largest camera show, will be held during Feb. 9-12, 2012 in Yokohama, at Pacifico Yokohama, a large convention complex and the same venue as last year’s CP+. Hopefully, it won’t snow on those days.
Note that the morning of Feb. 9, the show is open to the press only.
Admission is 1,000 yen at the door, but this fee can be waived if you preregister via the CP+ Website.
You can also register to attend free seminars and lectures where they sometimes provide simultaneous Japanese or English translation. The year 2012 is also the 150th anniversary of commercial photography in Japan. Lectures about vintage photography are planned. A special talk by Ellliot Erwitt is also scheduled on Feb. 9.
For details, see the show’s official site in English:
See my photos of CP+ 2011 here.
Pacifico Yokohama is near JR Sakuragicho and Minato Mirai Stations:
CP+ is held by CIPA (Camera & Imaging Products Association). CIPA is an international organization comprised of companies involved in the production and sale of silver-halide camera and digital camera, imaging-related products, software and more. In addition to product specifications, standards and technical research, CIPA deals with environmental issues and other industry-wide issues and seeks to contribute to the development of photographic and imaging culture.
Web site: http://www.cipa.jp/english/