Yodobashi Camera opens in Akihabara, Tokyo

On Sept. 16, 2005, Yodobashi Camera, Japan’s largest and most popular camera store (especially in Tokyo), has opened a large store in Akihabara, Tokyo’s center for electronic goods.

The huge building looks very similar to the one in Osaka. Besides the camera shop, it houses restaurants, Tower Records, and Yurindo Bookstore. Being on a different side of the train station from the rest of the “Electric Town,” the Akihabara crowd is now spreading out more. It also faces the train station’s new Central Entrance making it a 30 sec. walk from the station. Yodobashi will no doubt heat up the competition among stores in Akihabara.

The opening of the new store has been timed well what with the new train line just opened, linking Akihabara and Tsukuba, Ibaraki Pref.

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Philbert Ono

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