PhotoRepairs updated

My list of camera service/repair centers in Japan for all major manufacturers has been totally updated. It also has a new URL:…

PhotoWho’sWho FAQ

PhotoWho’sWho is biographies of famous Japanese photographers. The PhotoWho’sWho FAQ is here.

PhotoVendors FAQ

This FAQ covers camera stores in Japan, stock photography agencies, buying vintage photos, renting camera equipment in Japan, and photo schools. Updated: Feb.…

PhotoOrganizations FAQ

What is PhotoOrganizations? It is a list of major pro photographer associations and imaging industry-related organizations in Japan. Which photographers’ associations are the…

PhotoLibraries FAQ

What is PhotoLibraries? It’s a list of mainly museum libraries that have a good collection of photo books and magazines. It’s a good…

PhotoBookstores FAQ

What’s PhotoBookstores (discontinued)? It was PhotoGuide Japan’s list of major Japanese bookstores stocking a good selection of photo books. (Listing discontinued.) Besides bookstores in Japan, it…
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