Digital camera meeting report

On Oct. 2, we gave an informal talk on digital cameras to the Tokyo PC Users Group, an English-speaking computer club that meets monthly at the Tokyo Union Church basement in Omotesando, Tokyo.

I suggested the meeting to the group and gathered a few other digicam users to talk to the group. I talked about using my Canon Powershot S50, John Lancaster talked about his new Canon Kiss Digital (Digital Rebel), Bradley Anderson (who came all the way from Numazu, Shizuoka) showed off his Nikon D100, and Mark Skorji discussed his Sony Mavica and Sony 717. We showed sample photos as well. I think we had almost 30 people there.

After our talk, there was a lively Q&A session since a good number in the audience still did not have a digicam. It was a good meeting, and it was a pleasure to meet new people.

Thanks to all the speakers, Sako Eaton (club’s vice president) who helped to arrange the talk, and all the other club officers and people who came to the meeting.

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Philbert Ono

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