Finland in Sept. 2005

As I mentioned elsewhere, I gave slide shows in Finland in Sept. 2005 upon the inivitation of a small town called Kuusamo, northeast…

Japan photos for Nov. 2005

More photos of Japan have been uploaded. For this fall 2005 update, the pictures center on Shiga Prefecture. Over 1,400 (!) images of…

New vintage photo catalog from Old Japan

UK-based Old Japan, run by my friend Terry Bennett, has just published its latest catalog (No. 33) of old and rare photographs for…

Finland photos

I had a great time in Finland in September attending a nature photo festival in Kuusamo, giving slide shows, and meeting many nature…

Canon PowerShot S80 impressions

Here I am still using my 2-year-old, already-ancient, Canon PowerShot S50 compact digital camera with 5 megs. It served well, but I have grown…

Yodobashi Camera opens in Akihabara, Tokyo

On Sept. 16, 2005, Yodobashi Camera, Japan’s largest and most popular camera store (especially in Tokyo), has opened a large store in Akihabara,…
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