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Organized & sponsored by PhotoGuide Japan
Co-sponsor: Kyoto City International Foundation

Some of the artists get ready for a group picture.

KIPS 2001 featured seven photographers in the six-day photo exhibition (Nov. 13-18, 2001) and six photographers in the slide show talk held on Sat., Nov. 17.

Click on a name in the left frame or below to see a brief biography and sample photos by the respective artist. (If you do not see the left frame, click here.)

Exhibition Artists: IZIMA Kaoru (Special guest), Peter MacIntosh, John Wells, Kjeld Duits, Cedric Bertrand, YURA Hideki, & HINAGA Mariko

Slide show talk: IZIMA Kaoru, Spencer Tunick (Special guest), Peter MacIntosh, John Wells, Micah Gampel, Goth Carter

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